We select our hides with great care and try to give the most accurate representation of the leather. Keep in mind that leather is a natural product and can therefore contain natural imperfections.

Colors on a computer screen may look slightly different in real life. We therefore always recommend ordering a color chart of the collection first. In addition, leather from the same collection may show minor color differences per batch. Some types of leather are also (more) sensitive to external influences. Therefore, always carefully read about the specific properties of the selected leather.

Since you are the designer we leave creative choices up to you. On our webshop we will advise you as best as possible, but the correct choice depends on your own wishes and the application of the leather. Therefore, always check the specifications carefully. Are you not sure whether a leather collection is suitable for your project? We are happy to tell you more about the specific properties in order to make the best choice.

View by collection the size chart of the skin you order. For example, half a hide of calfskin has a different size than half a cowhide. Because every skin is also unique, the stated sizes indicate the total surface that you will receive. You will therefore not receive a square piece of leather with the exact length and width measurements (an example: if you order a Quarter hide of 100x90 cm, it can also be 110x81 cm). Also allow for some cutting loss when selecting the right size for your project.

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